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Treading Water - 25.06.2021

Med influenser från Sex Pistols till Oasis lyfter Berlinbaserade Ponte Pilas fram vad rock 'n' roll egentligen handlar om: ohälsosamma mängder av skoj. Den skotsk-ecuadorianska kvartetten placerar vassa riff bredvid oemotståndliga melodier vilket gör sina låtar mycket smittsamma. Deras senaste singel, "Treading Water", markerar en introspektiv vändning i bandets riktning och byter ut högoktanigt kaos mot ett mer avskalat, själfullt och långsamt brinnande epos.


"Låten är en rå, magstötande känsla som byggs upp från sångaren Calum Bolland som reflekterar över en period av ennui och alienation över en bluesig gitarrrefräng. Bandet samlas kring ett lat groove som växer i intensitet genom låten innan det bryter ut i ett hackigt, elektrifierande gitarrsolo som ger ett ögonblick av katartisk epifani: det finns fortfarande hopp."


Låten skrevs i början av förra året, när bandets turnéplaner för året hade ställts in och de enorma utmaningarna som 2020 skulle föra med sig precis slog igenom, och den speglar en tid av övergång till en helt okänd värld. Låten är inspelad live, med återhållsamma musikaliska arrangemang och produktionselement som driver detta hem tillsammans med en naken, sårbar sångtagning.


Med ekon av Black Keys och Dead Weather är låten en återgång till rockens bluesrötter i stilen men med ett tydligt modernt sound. Temat är särskilt resonerande, med stagnation och slöhet som upplevs av så många över hela världen. Låtens höjdpunkt fungerar som en slags salva för detta, ett svävande, hoppfullt upprop mot en möjlig framtid.


De fyra medlemmarna i Ponte Pilas har spelat in musik tillsammans sedan 2017. Den senaste inspelningen gjordes uteslutande med originalutrustning från 60- och 70-talet på Impression Recordings i Berlin. Tillsammans med inspelningsteknikern Robbie Moore (Florence & the Machine, Babyshambles), mixteknikern Andy Baldwin (Björk, Oasis, The Who) och masteringteknikern Mandy Parnell (Paul McCartney, Depeche Mode) representerar den senaste singeln ytterligare en viktig utveckling i bandets resa.


Berlin-baserade rock 'n' roll-bandet Ponte Pilas, med skotska frontmannen Calum Bolland och ecuadorianerna Daniel Rivera (trummor), Ismael Rivera (gitarr) och Alejandro Iturralde (bas), bildades i februari 2017. Med fängslande gitarriff, en drivande rytm och anthemiska refränger. Bandets kaotiska liveshower gav dem snabbt ett rykte som en av Berlins mest spännande up and comers.


Genom sin inspiration från Oasis, The Hives och The Stooges visar Ponte Pilas musik ett starkt öra för musikaliska krokar och kombinerar element från både nutida och klassisk rock. Deras texter är filmiska, med influenser som Hunter S. Thompson och Charles Bukowski. Dessa låtar spelas live med en intensitet och energi som gör publiken galna.


Efter att ha spelat legendariska Berlin-konserter i SO36, SAGE Club och sålt ut en headliner show på Musik & Frieden, förra året turnerade Ponte Pilas genom Tyskland och Europa. Med en mycket enkel filosofi, för att göra varje show så vild och unik som möjligt med hjälp av musiken som de älskar. Supportturnéer med The Wedding Present och The Legendary Tigerman kom att följa.


2019 tilldelades bandet 'Listen to Berlin' Public Prize av Berlin Music Commission, tillsammans med en konsert vid Most Wanted: Music-kongressen, samlar bandet branschens hyllningar. Efter att ha haft en tysk turné med post-punk bandet King Nun spelade bandet in en ny E.P. 'So It Goes ...' med Impression Recordings 'Robbie Moore i juni 2020. Detta kommer att släppas, efter singlar från skivan, i början av 2021.

Tidigare släpp


Acid Flashback #4

Ponte Pilas


Acid Flashback #4

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Ponte Pilas



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March 12, 2021

Last Of A Dying Breed - Offical Artwork.

Last Of A Dying Breed

Ponte Pilas

Last Of A Dying Breed - Offical Artwork.

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Ponte Pilas

Jan 29, 2021

Management & Skivbolag

Anton Rangardt -

Juan Velez           -


Single #4 - Treading Water

Del av EP 'So It Goes'


Artwork - Musik - Pressfoton

Treading Water - Music Video



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Ponte Pilas

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Sound & Colour

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Ponte Pilas
Ponte Pilas - Be Your Girl [Official Music Video]
Ponte Pilas

Ponte Pilas - Be Your Girl [Official Music Video]

Be Your Girl is taken from our forthcoming debut album Old Enough To Know Better, which lands on August 26th. Pre-order it now: Ponte Pilas support tour with THUMPER 18.09 München - Strom 21.09 Würzburg - Jugendkulturhaus Cairo 22.09 Weinheim - Café Central 26.09 Düsseldorf - Zakk Tickets: Official Music Video for “Be Your Girl” by Ponte Pilas Song available now: ►Subscribe to Ponte Pilas on YouTube: ►Follow Ponte Pilas: Director: Leonardo Greco Creative Direction: Ponte Pilas Production Company: Pianola Records Management Ponte Pilas: Juan Velez Cinematographer: Alina Albrecht 1st Assistant Camera: Lenny Flohr Make Up: Guerdy Casimir Editor: Leonardo Greco Set Photographer: Anna Wsyzomierska Cast: Ethan: Aleksandar Nikolic Nicole: Caroline Hellwig Ponte Pilas: Calum Bolland, Daniel Rivera, Ismael Rivera, Alejandro Iturralde Special thanks to: Stefano and Conny Tobias, Matilda, Gabriela, Clara and the whole team at Filter Music written by Ponte Pilas Produced and mixed by Gordon Raphael Mastered by Frida Claeson Johansson Lyrics: About half past three and I’m just propping up the bar Walking and talking in circles not going very far I see her putting on her coat and she gives me a stare Comes, grabs me by the arm says “Baby, I wanna go somewhere” She won’t care If it’s only just for a night Cause she’s a rollercoaster ticket maybe And I’m only along for the ride She said “I wanted you to be my girl But only if I can be your man” I said I’m gonna have to think about it   Smoked half of a cigarette and coughed up a lung She said I “looked like Jimmy Neutron, only not so young” She told me “Kiss me quick, catch me unawares” She wished that I was better looking, well I guess that’s fair   She won’t care If it’s only just for a night Cause she’s a rollercoaster ticket maybe And I’m only along for the ride I said “I wanted you to be my man But only if I can be your girl” She said I’m gonna have to think about it   Oh That’s right Take your time baby think it over We’re not in a hurry
Ponte Pilas - Vegetable Soup [Official Music Video]
Ponte Pilas

Ponte Pilas - Vegetable Soup [Official Music Video]

Vegetable Soup is taken from our forthcoming debut album Old Enough To Know Better, which lands on August 26th. Pre-order it now: Ponte Pilas support tour with THUMPER 18.09 München - Strom 21.09 Würzburg - Jugendkulturhaus Cairo 22.09 Weinheim - Café Central 26.09 Düsseldorf - Zakk Tickets: Official Music Video for “Vegetable Soup” by Ponte Pilas Song available now: ►Subscribe to Ponte Pilas on YouTube: ►Follow Ponte Pilas: Team Director: Felix Zimmer Creative Direction: Ponte Pilas Production Company: Pianola Records Management Ponte Pilas: Juan Velez Director of Photography: Felix Zimmer 1st Assistant Camera: Julian Larsson Editor: Felix Zimmer Cast: Ponte Pilas: Calum Bolland, Daniel Rivera, Ismael Rivera, Alejandro Iturralde Girlfriend: Joana Caldeira Special thanks to: Felix, Julian and Tommy Music written by Ponte Pilas Produced and mixed by Gordon Raphael Mastered by Frida Claeson Johansson Supported by Initiative Musik Gemeinnützige Projektgesellschaft GmbH with project funds from the federal government commissioner for culture and media. Lyrics I could have mastered a trade Sailed round the world in eight days But seems like I’m spending summer with your mother, younger brother and you   I could’ve aimed for the stars Or been the first man to Mars Instead we’re stuck on the sofa eating microwaved vegetable soup   But somehow lately That doesn’t make me blue   (Make me blue, make me blue)   I could have launched a new Or starred on stage and on screen So how come I’m sat here fighting for an inch of duvet made for two   I could have made all my gold Finding a cure for the cold Yet here I am sitting listening to gossip ‘bout your colleague Sue (She made out with Kevin at the Christmas party, what was she thinking?)   But somehow lately That doesn’t make me blue   (Make me blue, make me blue)   I could have been all the rage Been friends with Nicolas Cage   I could have made the fans scream Playing for the national team I could have patented water I could have swam in the sea with the otters I could have married a model Sold my scent as perfume by the bottle I could have been something…   But somehow lately That doesn’t make me blue   (Make me blue, make me blue)
Ponte Pilas - San Ignacio [Official Music Video]
Ponte Pilas

Ponte Pilas - San Ignacio [Official Music Video]

San Ignacio is taken from our forthcoming debut album Old Enough To Know Better, which lands on August 26th. Pre-order it now: Ponte Pilas concert in Madrid 20.04.2023 - Sala Galileo Galilei Tickets: Official Music Video for “San Ignacio” by Ponte Pilas Song available now: ►Subscribe to Ponte Pilas on YouTube: ►Follow Ponte Pilas: Team Director: Leonardo Greco Creative Direction: Ponte Pilas Production Company: Pianola Records Management Ponte Pilas: Juan Velez Cinematographer: Emma Giuliani 1st Assistant Camera: Finnegan Wagner Gaffer: Ethan Ho Editor: Leonardo Greco Cast: Paul: Luis-Felipe Julio Barrera The Couple: Mathias London, Christina Meder Influencers: Ana Paula Cabrera, Juan Velez The Smart/Casuals: Simon Maguire, Jose Cunto, Asfandyar Malik Ponte Pilas: Calum Bolland, Daniel Rivera, Ismael Rivera, Alejandro Iturralde Special thanks to: Dico Baskoro, Jayden Bailey, Alba Llach Music written by Ponte Pilas Produced and mixed by Gordon Raphael Mastered by Frida Claeson Johansson Supported by Initiative Musik Gemeinnützige Projektgesellschaft GmbH with project funds from the federal government commissioner for culture and media. Lyrics He was there when it started A beast void of form And through His tortured howl A new age was born Twilight of the martyr (O San Ignacio say) Prostrate and lame (O San Ignacio say) And still I hear that voice (O San Ignacio say) Screaming out His name So see the passenger A mad hell-cat ride Descend into the valley For one final time Twilight of the martyr (O San Ignacio say) Prostrate and lame (O San Ignacio say) And still I hear that voice (O San Ignacio say) Screaming out His name His back is bent and broke Beneath the burden that He bears The ragged garment on His chest The only clothing that He wears Take me to a place beyond pleasure beyond pain And still I hear that voice Screaming out His name Screaming out His name (O San Ignacio say) Screaming out His name (O San Ignacio say) Screaming out His name (Oh San Ignacio say) Screaming out His name #rock #iggypop #indierock
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